
“A room without books is like a body without a soul.” – Cicero

Brain-Based Learning: Teaching the Way Students Really Learn

Eric P. Jensen and Liesl McConchie | 2020
} Eric P. Jensen and Liesl McConchie explain the meaning of brain-based learning excellently. Senses, movement, emotions, environment - it all matters in order to learn successfully. And above all the brain is able to create new connections. They say: “Each brain is unique in many ways”…and “brain is changing every day.” “Neuroplasticity extends to all forms of inputs, to meet an individual’s needs to learn anything.”(E. P. Jensen and L. McConchie, 2020). The book is in English.

Brain-Gym® - das Handbuch (Lernen durch Bewegung)

Paul E. Dennison and Gail E. Dennison | 2015
} Brain Gym BG was created by Dennison in 1990s to speed up recovery for patients with brain damages. Later BG exercises have been found efficient for learning. The book provides a set of moves and poses created „to stimulate, release or relax” learners (Dennison and Dennison, 2010). The use of BG has proved its efectiveness in various learning settings. The book is translated from English into German by Karin Beeck.

Der Yoga Effekt

Dr. Svenja Borchers | 2022
} Studies show that movement in particular has an enormous influence on the networking of the various brain areas. Svenja Borchers, neuroscientist and yoga teacher, goes even further: in her book, she not only presents the scientific basics, but also practical exercises from yoga that literally make our brains smarter, more resilient and more flexible. The book is originally written in German.

Harmonious Learning: Yoga in the English Language Classroom

Lisa Morgan | 2011
} In the article L. Morgan shares her experience about teaching English with Yoga. Yoga Certificate is not needed in order to use Yoga in a language classroom. L.Morgan writes: " I believe that integrating yoga poses and visualization techniques into English language classrooms will increase opportunities for language learning." Definitely worth reading. The article is in English and available in Semanticscholar web page.

How far can Movement Improve L2 Learning Experience for Adults

Ginta Schindler | 2021
} This study examines the use of movement in English as L2 learning for adults in a community college of Germany. It argues that walking, gestures, Brain Gym and Yoga could be added to Task Based learning to achieve better results in speaking, listening, reading and writing for adults. The above mentioned movement could reduce anxiety, increase concentration, help to comprehend and memorise new vocabulary, increase confidence and motivation, and enhance creativity.

Learning Another Language Through Actions

Dr. James J.Asher | 2009
} The language learning method Total Physical Response (TPR) created by a prize-winning writer, researcher and teacher demonstrates, how children and adults can acquire multiple languages though activities, movement and without stress. The book contains 150 hours of classroom-tested TPR lessons. Teachers looking for effective ideas of movement integration in foreign language classrooms definitely need to read it. The book is in English.

Mudras: Yoga In Your Hands

Gertrud Hirschi | 2016
} Mudras - also called 'finger power points' are yoga positions for your hands and fingers. They can be practiced sitting, lying down, standing or walking, at any time and place! Mudras can be as effective as powerful Yoga body moves and could bring concentration, joy and relaxation in a language classroom. This book is in English.

Neurolanguage Coaching: Brain Friendly Language Learning

Rachel Paling | 2017
} Rachel Paling argues that brain has a main role in successful language learning, but a teacher nowadays often takes a role of a coach, especially in adult learning environments. The author has created Neurolanguage Coaching approach and gives courses and certifications in this field. The book helps to understand, how brain functions and learns. And we can "empower and change our own brains." Although application of movement is not discussed in this book, it provides a new perspective of a language teacher - coaching, where movement can be of help to focus, energize and change our brains.

Neurowissenschaftliche Impulse: In Motion - Theaterimpulse zum Sprachenlernen - Von neuesten Befunden der Neurowissenschaft zu konkreten Unterrichtsimpulsen

Michaela Sambanis, Maik Walter | 2019
} Michaela Sambanis has devoted many years for researching impacts of movement and integration of Drama elements in foreign language learning. If you are a language teacher loving movement and theatre, this is the book for you. The book is in German.

Smart Moves: Why Learning Is Not All in Your Head

Carla Hannaford PH.D | 2013
} Neurophysiologist and educator Dr. Carla Hannaford brings the latest insights from scientific research to questions that affect learners of all ages. Examining the body's role in learning, from infancy through adulthood, she presents the mounting scientific evidence that movement is crucial to learning.The book is in English.

Smart Yoga: Apply the Alexander Technique to Enhance Your Practice, Prevent Injury, and Increase Body Awareness

David Moore | 2017
} David Moore draws on thirty years of teaching to bring fresh and practical insights into how the Alexander Technique can contribute to a safer and more effective yoga practice. With a wealth of illustrations that support the clear, precise explanations, this book offers comprehensive advice in modifying a yoga practice to take into account the huge variability in individual ranges of movement. Smart Yoga offers an explanation of the Alexander Technique’s approach to posture and movement, suggestions for altering faulty breathing patterns, and information about how Hatha Yoga, Patanjali, and Buddhist insight practices relate to the Alexander Technique.

Suggestopedia and Language Acquisition

W. Jane Bancroft | 1999
} The author introduces the reader to Suggestopedia language learning method and hihglights its benefits of relaxed learning including the elements of Yoga and music. The method was discovered by Bulgarian psychiatrist Georgi Lozanov in 1970ies. Nowadays it is favoured by those foreign language teachers who like to create safe and trustful classroom atmosphere. This book is in English.

Tanzen ist die beste Medizin

Julia F. Christensen and Dong-Seon Chang | 2018
} The authors look at dancing as alternative medicine. Dance is suggested for young as well as elderly people. Whether dancing alone or in a group, it could be beneficial for your health, improving memory and reducing stress. It can be an inspiration for everybody, but especially for those who would like to understand dance and apply it for language learning. The book is written in German.

The Real Happy Pill: Power Up Your Brain by Moving Your Body

Anders Hansen | 2017
} Modern neuroscience and research has shown, more than ever, that physical exercise has extraordinary effects on our cognition. Physical activity, more so than Sudoku or crossword puzzles, optimizes our mental abilities and health in a way unparalleled by any drug, medication, or food supplement. And exercise doesn’t just enhance your health, energy and mood levels, and cognitive abilities. The Swedish author Anders Hansen has excellent ideas to reduce stress and anxiety. The book is available in Swedish, English, Latvian.

Thumb yoga for the brain: Simple finger exercises against forgetfulness, dementia and Alzheimer's disease

Yoshiya Hasegawa | 2019
} Grasping, grasping, binding, closing, turning - our thumb is a real multi-talent. However, this finger is not only extremely important in our daily actions, but also closely linked to our brain. Dr. Yoshiya Hasegawa, one of Japan's leading neurologists, has studied the special relationship between fingers and brain. From this he developed the method of thumb stimulation, which he is now presenting for the first time. By means of simple finger exercises, the brain is activated, revitalised and better supplied with blood. The brain is rejuvenated and memory improves. The book is in German.

Weaving Words: The Alchemy of Languages

Maria Ortega Garcia | 2020
} This book presents the idea of learning a language by focusing less on your brain and more on your heart. This is the missing link to speak any language with, and beyond the point of, fluency. The content of the book is based on modern neuroeducation practices and linguistic research. It explores the potential for learning where the brain is not the only part of our body running the show. However, this book is not academic and has a strong poetic voice that will speak to your heart rather than just your mind.

Yoga Basics

Amiena Zylla | 2017
} It is a book in German for Yoga beginners as well as advanced Yoga practitioners. Amiena Zylla opens the Yoga world to everybody by giving insight to different types of Yoga and their effectiveness. The basic Yoga poses are accompanied by thorough descriptions. Extremely valuable are her flows for good mood, relaxing, concentration etc. A good reference with beautiful pictures and illustrations. It could be one of the books a language teacher or learner who loves movement might desire.
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